The first Bonn Process Exchange Forum on National Processes invited key actors from different European countries to come to Bonn to start cooperating on and supporting the national processes that are part of the Bonn Process.
The first Bonn Process Exchange Forum on National Processes took place from 10 to 12 May 2022 in Bad Honnef near Bonn.
The Bonn Process, which was launched at the 3rd European Youth Work Convention, is being implemented from the European to the local level. This event was the first to bring together the National Contact Persons, representatives of the National Agencies and the Ministries responsible for youth and youth work, who are responsible for supporting and managing the implementation of the Bonn Process at the national level in their countries.
The idea behind this cooperation and support? National processes that are connected at European level will be more effective when it comes to developing approaches that are truly enriching for individuals working in their respective national youth work fields.
This meeting, the first in a recurring series of annual events, kicked off the long-term cooperation in this group and was designed to discuss the necessary future support measures. The idea behind this cooperation and support? National processes that are connected at European level will be more effective when it comes to developing approaches that are truly engaging, enriching and meaningful for individuals working in their respective national youth work fields.
27 participants followed the invitation and exchanged about 14 national (in the case of Belgium: regional) processes from:
During the meeting, attendees co-created an initial overview of the current state of play of the Bonn Process in the various countries. It emerged that progress varies widely across Europe. In some countries, much has already been initiated and implemented: working groups have been set up; meetings and activities for the national youth work fields have taken place; strategies, action planning and roadmaps as well as thematic priorities have been developed. In some countries the Bonn Process has not progressed quite as far, but there are plans for its future implementation. Some countries have yet to assign the responsibilities and set up a national process.
During the event, participants learned about other national processes and were inspired by hands-on examples. They shared experiences and success stories and also discussed any challenges. They reflected on their roles in relation to other key players and drew up proposed definitions of roles of national contact persons, national youth ministries/authorities, National Agencies, the youth work community of practice and European support stakeholders.
To help provide consistent support for the national processes, the participants identified the most pressing need for support and developed ideas for future cooperation and support measures to be offered at European level. This in-person meeting provided fresh motivation and plenty of networking opportunities for a European group of youth workers in similar fields of work. They departed from Bad Honnef armed with concrete plans for the next phase of implementation in their countries.
Overall, the first Bonn Process Exchange Forum on National Processes was a promising start for this committed and motivated group. The results will be made available in the shape of a collection of materials and news articles to inspire a wider public.