Second study on youth work in the EU published

In spring 2021, a second study commissioned by the European Commission on youth work in the EU was published after 2014. The study is based in particular on surveys of and interviews with youth workers, thus focusing on their views, experiences and recommendations. The study was carried out against the background of the coronavirus pandemic and therefore naturally also makes statements on this area (but not exclusively).

In the survey with 789 responses, eight online focus groups and eight case studies, two main needs are formulated. First, there is the need for more sustainable and operational funding as opposed to short-term project-based funding. Secondly, there is a need to improve the recognition of youth work.

In particular, from policy youth workers would like to see:

  • a stronger orientation of national funding towards continuous structural funding of youth work and away from project-based funding,
  • greater recognition of youth work, e. g. through sharing good practice with other youth workers to promote recognition, certificates or badges for young people as part of a national competency framework, and more partnerships with formal education institutions,
  • the creation of youth work as a "professional" occupation, through the establishment of professional standards,
  • closer co-operation between youth work and policy makers to raise awareness of the value of youth work.

A comprehensive catalogue of recommendations and proposals for action is also formulated. A detailed look at the study is worthwhile: